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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the questions I get asked most frequently.

I don't have a 3D printer.  If I purchase a model, can you print it for me?

Unfortunately, I don't have time in my schedule to also run a printing service.  However, I have met people over the years who may print the model for you for a fee.  Please contact me for further details.

I'd really love to have a model of {something}. Can I pay you to model it for me?

Again, my schedule is such that I can't take freelance modelling jobs.  For example, right now I have two additional models in progress, and it may take me the rest of the year (4 months) to complete them.  Sorry, but I just don't have time.

I'm having trouble printing a model, can you help?

Yes, shoot me a message and I will try to help.  I have about 4 years' experience with both FDM and Resin printing.

I would like to 3D print your models and sell them online.  Is this allowed or can we work out some sort of agreement?

Unfortunately, no.  I do not allow the bulk sale of 3D prints of any of the models I have created.  Many of my blasters have taken literally hundreds of hours to model.  If you are looking for models to print, sell, and make a quick buck, consider learning to model.

Is there an easy way that I can merge all the parts together and print a model in one piece?

Again, unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this.  When the parts are modelled, there is a 'tolerance" built in to allow parts to fit inside other parts.  For example, there may be a 0.2mm gap between the trigger and the trigger shaft.  These parts can't be merged together because they don't actually touch.  This is the case for most parts that fit inside other parts.  This makes merging impossible as it creates gaps inside the model.

I purchased a model a while back and now I see you released a newer version; do I have to purchase it again to get the newer files?

Updates to models you purchase have always been free.  Just message me and I can send you the latest files.

Can these models be made to fire live ammunition?

Absolutely not.  These models are designed to be printed out on consumer FDM or Resin printers and are intended for personal display or for cosplay.  They are non-functional other than the trigger being hooked up to a spring.  They cannot be made to chamber or fire any type of ammunition.