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Back in 2019, I really wanted to 3D print a full-size version of the blaster from The Mandalorian TV show. I downloaded every free model I could find and even purchased a few of the better ones, but none of them looked like what I was seeing on screen. I tried working with a few of the sellers to see if I could get them to update their models. None of them were interested.  If I wanted an accurate version of a Mando blaster, I would have to make it myself.  At that point, Outer Rim Workshop was born.

Now, 3 years and several models later, I believe I have some of the most accurate 3D models available.  Each part is exported at the highest resolution, so there should be no faceting of curved surfaces, and the parts are designed to go together like an old-time plastic model kit.  For the more complicated models, they come with detailed instructions to make sure things are assembled in the correct order.

If you are looking for basic models that you can print in a couple of pieces, paint and then take trooping the next day......then these models aren't for you.

The blasters generally come in 25 to 40 parts; however, not every part will need to be printed.  Some parts come in several options.  For example, grips can be hollow or solid, both are generally included.  Larger parts like the barrel, may come in 1 piece as well as 2 pieces.  If you have a smaller printer, you may need to print the two-part barrel, while larger printer owners can print the one-piece barrel.  Other parts may be broken into two pieces for ease of painting, while the single-piece part may also be included.  Another example would be that there are two versions of the Mando blaster for the show: a "stunt" version and a "hero" version.  The "stunt" has different detailing on the bottom of the grip.  I include both but you can pick which one to use.  The bottom-line is don't be discouraged by the number of parts.

I hope you enjoy these models.